Seniors, please keep in mind that our local scholarship donors are taking money out of their own pockets to help fund your educational goals.  They deserve your best, original work in your essays and short answer questions.  If you turn in applications that are obviously plagiarized or written with AI, we may notify the scholarship donors so that they can consider that in their awarding process, and your application may not count as one of your ten scholarships required for the Education Foundation Scholarship.

*Available to all SSSD students

Scholarship Name



Altitude Maintenance Scholarship

Altitude Maintenance will award two $500 scholarships to students who write an essay about a high school experience that has changed their perspective, and what they learned from it. Application due 3/28/25.


Sam Aplanalp Summit Sotheby's Realty Scholarship

Write an essay about "The Teacher Who Inspired Me the Most" and you could win a $1000 scholarship. Essays due 5/7/25.


Big Canyon Homes Foundation Scholarship

Scholarships for hard-working students who have a plan for post-secondary education and need money for college. Application due 4/9/25.


Joseph James Morelli Scholarship*

The Joseph James Morelli Scholarship Fund (based in Park City) supports high school and college students with dyslexia who wish to pursue a career in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields. Awards range from $500 - 2500, application due 3/2/25.

Website Link

Kamas Storage Scholarship

$1000 scholarship for a student who demonstrates hard work and good citizenship. Requires teacher evaluations and a personal statement. Application due 4/14/25.


Kamas Valley Fiesta Days Pageant

Current SSHS junior & senior girls can compete in the Kamas Valley Fiesta Days Pageant to gain interview skills, build confidence and earn scholarship money. Workshops and training are offered, and the Pageant is June 14. Contact Aubree Lee at mitchellaubree1@gmail.com for more information.

Registration Form

Kamas Valley Soil Conservation
District Scholarship*

For students who have an interest in continuing their studies in the Natural Resource/Conservation/Agricultural/Automotive or Diesel Technology field. Essay, transcript and application form are required. Amount varies. Application due to Ms. Regan by 4/25/25.


McNeil, Earl and Billie Sue Family Scholarship

This scholarship, offered by two long-time South Summit teachers, will be awarded to those students who best demonstrated these achievements while in high school: creating a better school environment, leadership and service. Return application to Ms. Regan by 4/25/25.


Michael James Richards Music Scholarship*

Scholarship for a student who is passionate about music and plans to pursue music as a vocation, In memory of Michael James Richards. Requires letter of recommendation, essay and short video clip. Application must be submitted via email by 4/24/25.

Website Link

Mountain Valley Stone Scholarship*

Award amount $500. For students who display a commitment to make the community better through service or community involvement. Essay and letter of reference required and financial need is also considered in the selection process. Due to Ms. Regan by 3/27/25.


Nadine Gillmor Scholarship/USU*

Scholarship to Utah State University available exclusively to Summit County residents who have been involved in 4H. Fill out the USU General Scholarship Application to be considered. Application due TBA

Website Link

Nadine Gillmor Scholarship/UVU*

Scholarship to Utah Valley University with preference given to Summit County residents, 3.0 GPA required. Must be admitted by TBA to be considered, no additional application needed.

Oakley Civic Club Scholarship*

The Oakley Civic Club will give at least one $500 scholarship to a student graduating from SSHS in 2025. Applicants must demonstrate good citizenship and civic or volunteer involvement. See application for requirements. Deadline 4/25/25.


Park City Area Home Builders Association Scholarship*

The Park City Area HBA will be providing several scholarship opportunities for graduating seniors in Wasatch and Summit Counties. For students who plan to go into the construction trades in the form of an internship, job or technical college or university. Applications due TBA.


Park City Board of Realtors Scholarship

$2500 scholarship for a student who demonstrates financial need, unique circumstances that may affect their ability to attend college, good grades and community involvement.

See Ms. Regan. Must be nominated by a teacher

Park City Elks Lodge
Most Valuable Student Scholarship*

Applicants will be judged on scholarship, leadership, service and financial need. National winners may be awarded up to $30,000. Apply by 11/12/24.


Pat Moran Family Foundation & the Kamas Valley Lions Club Nathan Leithead Memorial Scholarship for Athletics, Academics and Community Leadership

For a student who has demonstrated strength of resolve, character, and a desire to achieve in athletics, academics, and community social awareness. Essay and letters of recommendation required. Requires participation in Lions Club volunteer activities. Application deadline 5/2/25.


Pat Moran Family Foundation & the Kamas Valley Lions Club Scholarship for Leadership in Community Service

For a student who has demonstrated strength of resolve, character, and a desire to achieve as a leader in a community service role. Essay and letters of recommendation required. Requires participation in Lions Club volunteer activities. Application deadline 5/2/25.


Pat Moran Family Foundation & the Kamas Valley Lions Club Scholarship for Service in the Performing Arts

For a student who has demonstrated strength of resolve, character, and a desire to achieve in the Performing Arts. Essay and letters of recommendation required. Requires participation in Lions Club volunteer activities. Application deadline 5/2/25.


Pearson Butler Scholarship

Pearson Butler Attorneys at Law is offering a $1000 scholarship to a student who writes an essay on "How I Overcame a Trial in My Life, and How I am Using that Experience for Further Success in My Life". Email essay to scholarship@pearsonbutler.com by 4/4/25.

Application Instructions

RJ Masonry Scholarship*

Award amount $500. For students who display a commitment to make the community better through service or community involvement. Essay and letter of reference required and financial need is also considered in the selection process. Due to Ms. Regan by 3/27/25.


South Summit Classified Employee Scholarship*

Scholarship offered by the Classified Employees in the South Summit School District. Application requires a written essay. Amount varies. Applications due TBA.


South Summit Education Foundation Scholarship*

The South Summit Education Foundation is offering a Multiple Scholarships Incentive Award. Students who apply for 5 other scholarships and submit 2 letters of recommendation will receive $500! Apply for 10 and receive $1000. Application due by 5/2/25. Certain lottery and sweepstakes type scholarships DO NOT QUALIFY. See Ms. Regan if you have questions about a scholarship! Must have proof of applications submitted.

Application Link

South Summit Sportsmanship Scholarship

For a student athlete or a student involved in extracurricular activities who has demonstrated great sportsmanship on or off the playing field. Apply by TBA.


SSEA Scholarship*

Given by teachers in our District who are members of National, State and Local Education Associations. The scholarship application requires a resume, response to a questionnaire and civic involvement. Amount varies. Due TBA.


Summit County Farm Bureau Scholarship*

For students who are planning to pursue further education relating to agriculture. Amount varies. Application due TBA.


Summit Pride Foundation Scholarship

The scholarship will be awarded to a student who has been an advocate for inclusivity at South Summit High School. Financial need will also be considered. Application due 5/2/25.


Sunrise Rotary Scholarship

The Park City Sunrise Rotary Interact Scholarship is awarded to a student who excels in community and civic activities as well as academics. Student must be involved in the Interact Club and show leadership in the community.

See Ms. Regan. Must be nominated by a teacher

"Sweat Ethic" Scholarship

Cole & Mattie are proud to offer the "Sweat Ethic" Scholarship, for students who have demonstrated a commitment to working hard in all that they do. Two $500 scholarships will be awarded, one to a student pursuing a health care career and one to a student pursuing a career in the construction trades. Application due 5/2/25.


Tom Clyde/Diamond Bar X Ranch Scholarship

$1000 scholarship for a student with financial need who plans to pursue further education related to natural resource conservation, environmental studies, forestry and/or agricultural fields. Application due 4/11/25.


Vail Resorts EpicPromise Foundation Scholarship*

Vail Resorts EpicPromise Scholars Grants are available to children of Vail Resorts employees with certain income qualifications. Grant awards up to $2500 per year annually for up to 4 years of schooling. Application online, deadline 1/10/25.

Website link

White Knight/Graco Scholarship

If you are a high school senior who is a doer, fixer, or solver and are interested in pursuing a career in specialized skilled trades (such as fabrication or machining), you are encouraged to apply for this $1000 scholarship. See application for instructions, apply by 5/6/25.


WIN Scholarship

The Park City Women's Inspired Network (WIN) is proud to present a $500 scholarship to a female student from the 2025 graduating class. See application for details. Due 4/16/25.
