Online Class Changes Are Opening This Week!
Starting the afternoon of May 8th, students will be able to see their 2024 - 2025 schedules in Class Choice and students will be able to make changes to their schedule as well. Students will be able to make schedule changes in a progressive manner with next year's seniors allowed to change first, then juniors, etc. Class choice will open for students as follows:
Next Year's Seniors...May 8th
Next Year's Juniors...May 10th
Next Year's Sophomores...May 15th
Next Year's Freshmen...May 17th
Class Choice CLOSES for everyone...May 24th
IMPORTANT things to remember while changing your schedule!! PLEASE READ CAREFULLY!
Look at your "Graduation Progress" in PowerSchool to make sure you are taking the classes you need to fulfill graduation requirements!
Everyone must have a FULL schedule except seniors (limited exceptions can be made for juniors in August). If you do not fill all 5 periods for both Green and White days, a counselor will fill your schedule for you!
Seniors MUST have at least 5 classes in their schedule to walk at graduation.
Remember, if you are taking courses that fall in a sequence (ex. Drawing A and Drawing B) you must have already taken the prerequisite courses or at least have them in your schedule. (Finish A before taking B)
If you adjust your Math 1 or 2 class, Math 1010, 1050, or AP Calculus, remember that you have Math EVERY day. That means you must schedule both Core Math 1 and Core Math 1 Elective during the same period, but on opposite days. (one on White day and the other on Green day). This does not apply to Honors Math.
Make sure you have all of your CORE classes. You need an English, Math, Science, and Social Studies class in your schedule!
How to make SCHEDULE CHANGES in Class Choice