One of the major responsibilities of the SSHS counselors is to help all students with career exploration. We know this can be a daunting task for any high school student and we want you to know we are here to help. Feel free to visit with any of the counselors at your convenience if you are wondering how to initiate your career exploration journey.
Besides visiting with your counselor, we have access to several career exploration tools. Listed here, we have some great places to begin your career exploration.
All of our students have access to the Navigator software. This is an expansive career and college planning platform and is our recommended 1st stop for career exploration. It also offers college searches, test prep, etc. You will need your username and password to access it. If you have forgotten your username, come visit with your counselor. Click on the link below to access Navigator.
The U.S. Department of Labor sponsors a great career exploration website called Onet. To Check it out, click the link below.
The State of Utah has an app/website that students can use for career and college exploration. Click below to access the State's site.