October is National Principals Month! Mr. Greiner, Principal of Silver Summit Academy and Elementary, wanted to be a firefighter when he was younger. #WeAreSouthSummit #SSAUtah #SilverSummitElem #PrincipalTrivia #NationalPrincipalsMonth23
about 1 year ago, South Summit School District
Mr. Greiner wanted to be a firefighter
October is National Principals Month! Let's see how much you know about our administrators. Check here later today to see the answer. #WeAreSouthSummit #PrincipalTrivia #NationalPrincipalsMonth23
about 1 year ago, South Summit School District
which principal collects memories
October is National Principals Month and we are so glad to have our principals leading our schools. Can you guess which principal had this childhood dream? Check here later for the answer. #WeAreSouthSummit #PrincipalTrivia #NationalPrincipalsMonth23
about 1 year ago, South Summit School District
which principal wanted to be a firefighter
October is National Principals Month and we are so glad to have our principals leading our schools. Can you believe Mrs. McCormick's first job was collecting and selling night crawlers? #WeAreSouthSummit #SouthSummitMiddle #PrincipalTrivia #NationalPrincipalsMonth23
about 1 year ago, South Summit School District
Mrs. McCormick used to sell nightcrawlers
October is National Principals Month and we are continuing our principal trivia. Who do you think this is? Check here later today to see the answer. #WeAreSouthSummit #PrincipalTrivia #NationalPrincipalsMonth23
about 1 year ago, South Summit School District
which principal sold nightcrawlers
October is National Principals Month! It's Mrs. Rydalch, principal of South Summit High School. #WeAreSouthSummit #SSHSWildcats #PrincipalTrivia #NationalPrincipalsMonth23
about 1 year ago, South Summit School District
Mrs. Rydalch has ridden an ostrich
Parent Teacher Conference and flu shot clinic this week at South Summit Elementary. We'll see you there!
about 1 year ago, South Summit Elementary
Parent Teacher Conference at Elementary School
flu shot clinic
Hello Everyone! Sadly, we need to cancel the Fall Festival. I have consulted with 5 weather apps, hoping that one of them would say that Wednesday was not going to be rainy and cold. So many of our activities have to happen outside. Some of them require chalk which will not hold up in the rain. I have reached out to our parent chairperson and our admin team and we are disappointed about the cancellation. We have, however, committed to the idea that we will either try for the spring or do a Back to School Festival next September. Thank you for your understanding and support! Mrs. Flinders
about 1 year ago, South Summit Elementary
Fall Festival- Cancelled
Welcome 4 year olds! #WeAreSouthSummit #SSElemWildcats #PreK
over 1 year ago, South Summit School District
First Day four year old PreK
Welcome to Preschool, 3 year olds! #WeAreSouthSummit #SSElemWildcats #FirstDayOfSchool #PreK
over 1 year ago, South Summit School District
First day 3 year old PreK
Welcome to school, Kindergarteners! #WeAreSouthSummit #SSElemWildcats #FirstDayOfSchool #Kinder
over 1 year ago, South Summit School District
First Day Kindergarten
More great first day pictures! #WeAreSouthSummit #SSElemWildcats
over 1 year ago, South Summit School District
first day pic
Welcome back to school! #WeAreSouthSummit #SSElemWildcats #SouthSummitMiddle #SSHSWildcats
over 1 year ago, South Summit School District
First day of school Kamas
Back to School Nights this week. Come get all the info you need to start the year off right. #WeAreSouthSummit #SSElemWildcats #SouthSummitMiddle
over 1 year ago, South Summit School District
back to school nights flyer
2023-2024 South Summit Elementary School New Student Registration is now open. Please click on the following link to make an appointment and follow the steps listed: https://www.ssummit.org/o/elementary/page/newstudent-registration. Please note- Only for New Students...not returning students. Thank you!
over 1 year ago, South Summit Elementary
New Student Registration
The South Summit School Board will have a vacancy effective August 16, 2023 due to the resignation of the board member representing Precinct 5, South Summit West and South Summit South. Anyone who resides in Precinct 5, who is interested in being appointed to fill the vacancy may submit their name and contact information to Dawn McMillan at dmcmillan@ssummit.org by July 7, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. The School Board will interview each individual whose name is submitted for consideration at its July 13, 2023 meeting in the open and public board meeting and will make the appointment within thirty days of the actual vacancy. Questions may be submitted to Dawn McMillan at the above email address.
over 1 year ago, South Summit School District
board room sign
Download the South Summit mobile app today so you can stay in-the-know this summer. There is so much you can see and do within the app like: view the live feed of our latest and greatest stories, news and announcements; check the calendar for events and activities; connect directly with faculty and staff; and so much more! Go to your app store and search for "South Summit School District". https://youtu.be/3H5TRxiXGLk #WeAreSouthSummit
over 1 year ago, South Summit School District
mobile app
School board meeting is Thursday, June 8th at 5:30 p.m. at the School District Office. Join us in person or online via YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@southsummitschooldistrict/streams #WeAreSouthSummit #SSSDBoardOfEd
over 1 year ago, South Summit School District
June 8th agenda
Just a few more images from last night's Silver Summit Academy graduation. Congrats Class of 2023! #WeAreSouthSummit #SSAUtah #ClassOf2023
over 1 year ago, South Summit School District
grads throwing caps
Mr. Greiner
student speeches
more student speeches
Call the number on this flyer to find out where you can get free meals this summer.
over 1 year ago, South Summit School District
summer food program