Park Record, May 25, 2021--South Summit awards educators...
South Summit Interim Superintendent Steve Hirase presents an Educator of the Year award to Devin Davis, the South Summit High School choral and theatrical director.
Davis was one of four winners, each of whom received a plaque and a check for $5,000 at the South Summit Education Foundation’s awards gala.
The other winners were Valerie Boyce, who is a fifth grade dual immersion teacher at South Summit Middle School; Louise Hardy, a special education teacher at South Summit Elementary School; and Tammy Clegg, child nutrition director for the South Summit School District.
They were not the only South Summit teachers who have recently been recognized. Dari Thacker, a fourth- and fifth-grade teacher at Silver Summit Elementary School, was one of 10 teachers statewide to win a Utah Education Association Excellence in Teaching Awards.