Newies Junior to be presented at South Summit Middle School November 20-21 at 6:30 PM

The moment you've been waiting for...
@sselementary dress up days (green flyer)
@ssms dress up days (white flyer)

Middle School Parent Teacher Conferences begin this week. Plan on coming with your students to check in with their teachers and see how things are going for the first month of school. #WeAreSouthSummit #SouthSummitMiddle #PTC

The Fall Festival is tonight at South Summit Middle School! Join us for food, fun, vendors and games. It promises to be a great night for students and families. #WeAreSouthSummit #FallFestival #SouthSummitMiddle

"“That I will uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America,
and the State of Utah, and that I will discharge the duties of said office with fidelity.”
Bo Thomas and Emily Arvizo, our two new board members, joined the superintendent and business administrator in pledging their fidelity with their Oaths of Office. #SSSDBoardOfEd #StudentSchoolBoard #SSHSWildcats #SSAUtah"

School Board meeting is tomorrow, Thursday, Sept. 12th at 5:30 p.m. The public is invited to attend in person at the school district office or online via YouTube.
#WeAreSouthSummit #SSSDBoardOfEd

We hope you'll join us at the South Summit Middle School's Fall Festival. It promises to be a great night for students and families. #WeAreSouthSummit #FallFestival #SouthSummitMiddle

Flu season will be upon us soon, but we can fight against it. Community Nursing Services (CNS) is offering free or reduced cost flu shots to the community. Mark your calendars for October 2nd and 3rd!
The community is welcome; anyone six months or older is eligible. CNS will donate $2 per shot to South Summit schools.
#WeAreSouthSummit #FluShots #CNS

From drinking the first day jitters away with Jitter Juice to jumping right into this year's drama production-the first day of school was a hit! #WeAreSouthSummit #SSElemWildcats #SouthSummitMiddle #FirstDayOfSchool24

It's been a busy first week of school and it's only Tuesday! Yesterday, our staff was treated to a great convocation. With the help of our new instructional coaches, we're ready to get back to the basics and make the biggest and best impact on our students. #WeAreSouthSummit #Convocation24 #BackToBasics #StudentImpact

Parents, check your email for information about our new BusRight app in the next couple of days. Watch the video to see how you can track your student's bus route in real time.

It's coming! Back to school is almost here. We can't wait to fill our schools with students again. See you soon! #WeAreSouthSummit #BackToSchool24

Look who's making a comeback...it's our local marching band. The Wasatch Back Marching Band, combined of South Summit, Wasatch and Park City band students, has already marched the streets of Park City and Taylorsville. Now, Kamas gets to experience this unique collaboration up close and personal. Get ready to see these amazing students in action at the Pioneer Day parade tomorrow. #WeAreSouthSummit #BandRocks #MarchingBand #WasatchBackBand #PioneerDay #PCBands #WasatchHigh

Did you see the school board at the Oakley parade? Get ready to catch more candy this week when they make their next appearance in the Kamas parade. #WeAreSouthSummit #SSSDBoardOfEd #PioneerDay

Thursday, June 27th is the annual Budget Hearing of the South Summit School Board. Guests are welcome to join in person at the School District Office or online at https://www.youtube.com/@southsummitschooldistrict/streams . The meeting starts at 6:00 p.m. with time allotted for public comment. If you wish to speak during public comment, please sign up by emailing dmcmillan@ssummit.org or calling Dawn at 435-783-4301 by noon on June 27, 2024.

School meals are available at various locations for families who need them. Text "Food" to 304304 to get more details.

Announcing the South Summit Education Foundation's newly named Educators of the Year! Ms. Mary Sennas-SSES Para; Ms. West-SSA Teacher; Mrs. Katchuk-SSHS Teacher; Mrs. Rasheta-SSMS Teacher; Mrs. Vallverdu-SSES Teacher! Thanks for all you do for our students! #TeacherOfTheYear #ParaProfessionals #WeAreSouthSummit #SSEF

School's out in Kamas! Let the summer begin!

South Summit School District will be close for Memorial Day. We want to thank our military families, even though thank you is not enough. May we remember and honor all who died serving our country valiantly to preserve our freedoms. Today and everyday. #WeAreSouthSummit #MemorialDay #RememberAndHonor

The Bus Garage still has a lot of lost coats, hats, gloves, water bottles, books and more. Please check with your kids and look to see if you're missing anything. Someone is at the Bus Garage most days between 1:30-4:30 so you can pick up lost items then. If that doesn't work for you, please call to arrange a different time. 435-783-2373