November Message from Mrs. Flinders
Board meeting is scheduled for tonight, Nov. 4th at 5:30 p.m. You can watch via livestream on the School District's YouTube Channel.
The agenda is available here:
School Board meeting is tomorrow night, Thursday, November 4th at 5:30 p.m.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 837 6216 9226
Passcode: 064265
School Board Meeting is this Thursday, November 4th at 5:30 p.m. You can stream it live via the School District's YouTube Channel:
Click here to find the agenda or go to the District website Board of Education page:
Trick or treat!
No school today!
No School tomorrow, Friday, October 29. Professional Learning Day
Halloween celebrations will be Thursday, since there is no school on Friday!
FREE WEBINAR: Boundaries for Trusted Adults
October 27th at 3pm: By Leisa Mukai with Peace House
Every youth needs trusted adults to demonstrate how to set and uphold healthy boundaries. Register here:
This webinar is packed with simple, powerful tools to transform your role as a trusted adult with the youth in your life. You'll learn how simple and powerful the most basic tools can be when it comes to fostering health and wellness and reducing depression and anxiety.
It's Red Ribbon Week!
Elementary School Halloween Dress Up Day- Thursday, October 28th
*There will not be a Halloween Parade.
*Students can wear costumes to school.
*Class parties will be in the afternoon. If you are volunteering, please leave siblings at home.
*No Halloween masks, no weapons, and no blow-up costumes.
Pre-inscripción para personas del Condado de Summit de 5 – 11 años recibir la vacuna contra COVID-19 está abierto
El Departamento de Salud del Condado de Summit está preparado para administrar vacunas a la población de 5-11 años tan pronto como sean aprobadas y disponibles en noviembre. La línea de tiempo sigue siendo fluida. La votación inicial de recomendación de la FDA está programada para el 28 de octubre. La votación final de aprobación de los CDC y ACIP está programada para noviembre de 3. En este momento, no está claro cuánta vacuna se distribuirá cada semana. Compartiremos más información tan pronto como esté disponible. Hasta entonces, usted puede ayudar a nuestro proceso de planificación preinscribiendo a sus hijos:
Vaccine pre-registration for 5-11 year-olds is open
Summit County Health Department is prepared to administer vaccines to the 5-11 year-old population as soon as they are approved and available in November. The timeline is still fluid. The initial recommendation vote by the FDA is scheduled to take place on October 28. The final approval vote by the CDC and ACIP is scheduled for November 3. At this time, it is unclear how much vaccine will be distributed each week. We will share more information as soon as it becomes available. Until then, you can help our planning process by pre-registering your children:
Reminder to help keep our students safe. It's National School Bus Safety Week! We love our bus drivers! #nsbsw21 #southsummitsd
For Parents of Youth ages 9-14
Thursdays, 6:30pm: October 21-November 18
This FREE program is proven to prevent substance use and depression in youth by helping parents address problems before they start.
It's National School Lunch Week! We love our lunch ladies! Even the custodial staff gets in on the action to help out! #NSLW21 #lunchladies #wildschoollunch
The District Office will be closed Friday and Monday for Fall Break.
Get your flu shot today! It's free to the community and CNS is donating $2 to our schools for every shot they give. Come to South Summit Elementary or Middle School between 4:30 and 7:30 p.m. to get your flu shot.
It's fall break this week (and Monday) so there's no school! South Summit schools have Thursday, Friday and Monday off.
South Summit Schools will hold Parent Teacher Conferences this week. Check with your child's school to yours scheduled if you haven't already.