Let's show the earth some love today on her special day. What are you committed to do on Earth Day? #wearesouthsummit #earthday #earthclub
The 6th grade presents "Aladdin" tonight! Come out and show your support for these actors in the making. The play is at the South Summit Middle School at 6:30 p.m. #wearesouthsummit #aladdin #dramaclub
April is National Volunteers Month so we're taking this time to say thank you to our volunteers. They are the best! #wearesouthsummit #utpubliced #nationalvolunteersmonth
Did you know the District is on Instagram? Follow us there so you don't miss out on stories, reels and highlights! https://www.instagram.com/southsummitsd/
Resiliency Night has been rescheduled for April 26th. Mark your calendars and get ready for an awe-inspiring evening with @porterhancock! #porterhancock #wearesouthsummit #southsummithigh
Carter Dean is graduating South Summit High with, not only his high school diploma, but also his associates degree from UVU this spring. Carter is an excellent student who has been taking concurrent enrollment classes since his freshman year. We're proud to see him reach his goal. Congratulations! #uvuconcurrentenrollment #southsummithigh #wearesouthsummit
Mrs. Earl's 6th grade performed a small piece of their Aladdin Jr. musical at last night's School Board meeting. #southsummitmiddle #wearesouthsummit #dramaclub
School Board Meeting is tonight, April 14th at 5:30 p.m. You can stream it live via the School District's YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNOpVIBWOGnnqwRmfiDl1WQ Click here to find the agenda or go to the District website Board of Education page: https://go.boarddocs.com/ut/sssd/Board.nsf/public #wearesouthsummit #schoolboardmeeting #schoolboardmeeting
The 6th grade presents "Aladdin" on April 20th. Let's support these actors in the making. The play will be held at the South Summit Middle School on Wednesday, April 20th at 6:30 p.m. #wearesouthsummit #aladdin #dramaclub
Amy Jo Betournay is one of two South Summit High students who will be graduating with her associates degree from UVU this spring. Amy is an all-around great student who has worked hard to achieve this goal. Congratulations! #uvuconcurrentenrollment #southsummithigh #wearesouthsummit
Crossing guard duties carry on whether it's Utah's real winter, our "Fool's Spring" or our "Third winter" like today. Thanks for stepping in wherever you're needed, Mrs. Flinders! #southsummitelementary #wearesouthsummit #utahselevenseasons
School Board Meeting is this Thursday, April 14th at 5:30 p.m. Click here to find the agenda or go to the District website Board of Education page: https://go.boarddocs.com/ut/sssd/Board.nsf/public
Resiliency Night has been postponed. More information to follow.
School Board Meeting is next Thursday, April 14th at 5:30 p.m. Agenda to be posted soon. #wearesouthsummit #schoolboardmeeting
Even though we're off enjoying spring break, we're still celebrating our wonderful assistant principals. #wearesouthsummit #southsummitelementary #southsummitmiddle #utpubliced #nationalassistantprincipalsweek
Happy Spring Break! Snow and all!
Even though we're off enjoying spring break, we're still celebrating our wonderful assistant principals. #wearesouthsummit #southsummitelementary #southsummitmiddle #utpubliced #nationalassistantprincipalsweek
Huge thanks to our school librarians who make it fun to read and spend time in the library! #wearesouthsummit #utpubliced #nationalschoollibrarianday #southsummitmiddle #southsummitelementary
Enjoy spring break, April 4-8th! #wearesouthsummit
Today we spotlight our awesome Para Educators! Thank you for all you do for our students. No Joke! #wearesouthsummit #utpubliced #nationalparaprofessionalappreciationday