For Parents of Youth ages 9-14
Thursdays, 6:30pm: October 21-November 18
This FREE program is proven to prevent substance use and depression in youth by helping parents address problems before they start.
It's National School Lunch Week! We love our lunch ladies! Even the custodial staff gets in on the action to help out! #NSLW21 #lunchladies #wildschoollunch
The District Office will be closed Friday and Monday for Fall Break.
Get your flu shot today! It's free to the community and CNS is donating $2 to our schools for every shot they give. Come to South Summit Elementary or Middle School between 4:30 and 7:30 p.m. to get your flu shot.
Free flu shots for the community! Tuesday, Oct. 12th from 4:30-7:30 p.m. at South Summit Elementary and Middle Schools. Plus CNS will donate $2 back to our schools for every shot they give!
The Interact Club is holding a Red Cross Blood Drive on Monday, Oct. 11, 10am - 4pm at the High School. Please consider donating blood if you are able! The Red Cross is experiencing an emergency blood shortage, with less than a day's supply on hand (Type O donors are particularly needed!). You can schedule your appointment at, search by zip code 84036 and you'll find our drive. It will be difficult to accommodate walk-in donors, so please make an appointment, and make sure to fill out the RapidPass on the day of the drive to save time during your donation.
FREE WEBINAR: How to Be A Trusted Adult for the Youth in Your Life
October 6th at 3pm: By Leisa Mukai with Peace House
Every youth needs at least one true trusted adult in their life. Register here:
This webinar is packed with simple, powerful tools to transform your role as a trusted adult with the youth in your life. You'll learn how simple and powerful the most basic tools can be when it comes to fostering health and wellness and reducing depression and anxiety.
Happy Principals Month! Thanks to our awesome leaders: Mrs. Flinders, Mrs. Willoughby, Mrs. Rydalch, Mr. Jenson, Mr. Greiner! #nationalprincipalsmonth #southsummitelementary #southsummitmiddle #silversummitelementary #southsummithigh #ssautah
Shout out to our custodial staff for keeping our buildings clean and safe! Happy National Custodial Workers Day tomorrow, October 2nd!
Mr. Young reads a story to his class during Adult and Family Literacy Week in Utah. #southsummitelementary #sssd #utpubliced #literacy
Free flu shots for the community! Oct. 12th from 4:30-7:30 p.m. at South Summit Elementary and Middle Schools.
Thursday, September 9th is School Board Meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 810 2682 3384
Passcode: 979016
School Board Meeting tomorrow, Thursday, April 15th at 5:30. Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 891 5959 9732
Passcode: 687713
School mask mandate stays in place until June 15th.
The Utah Legislature passed House Bill 294 in March. Most people are familiar with the part of
the bill that says the state can no longer require masks in most public places after April 10.
But the mask requirement stays in place for K-12 schools until June 15. Local officials,
like a school board or county council, do NOT have the legal authority to end the mask
requirement in schools before this date. Public health officials asked the Legislature (and the
Legislature agreed) to keep a mask requirement in place for the following reasons:
1. No vaccine is currently authorized for anyone younger than 16.
2. Not every adult in the school setting has been vaccinated.
3. Children can get sick from COVID and have long-term effects.
4. Children can get COVID,
South Summit School Board Meeting is Thursday, March 11, 2021 at 5:30 p.m.
Open hearing regarding School Fees begins at 6:00 p.m.
Join via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 874 4154 0164
Passcode: 821521
2021 scholarship information will be available soon. Watch here for more information.
School Board meeting is Thursday, October 8, 2020. Join in person at the District Office wearing appropriate face covering or join via zoom.
Join Zoom Meeting…
Meeting ID: 912 0722 2947
Passcode: 344408
School Board meeting Thursday, September 10, 2020 at 5:30 pm.
MEETING ID: 968 7335 5198
PASSCODE: 0431817705
Free meals for kids 18 and under! Contact Tammy Clegg at for more information.
Serving school lunch through June!
Mondays from 10-11:30am we will hand out Monday and Tuesday meals at SSMS.
Wednesdays from 10-11:30am we will hand out Wednesday, Thursday and Friday meals at SSMS.
Please email if you want school meals in June.