Alert System: South Summit School District uses an Alert system for mass communications, including emergency information. In the event of a school emergency, parents/guardians will be notified via the Alert system. Text messages, email messages, and phone calls may all be used. The Alert system utilizes contact information that is input into "School Forms" when parents/guardians enroll students for school annually via PowerSchool. It's important to keep this information updated so they will receive emergency information if necessary.
Standard Response Protocol: South Summit School District uses a Standard Response Protocol from the I Love U Guys Foundation during emergency or crisis situations. This provides for consistent language and actions across all schools and local law enforcement.
Standard Reunification Method: South Summit School District uses Standard Reunification Method from the I Love U Guys Foundation in the event students are evacuated from school and must be picked up from a secondary location. This method allows for a formal, controlled release of students.
Emergency Communications: Emergency communications sent from South Summit School District will be posted on the Emergency Communications web page so parents/guardians can refer back any time.
School Safety Week Communications: Daily emails containing safety and emergency information, sent from Superintendent Maughan during 2024 School Safety Week, will be posted here.
Learn more about the I Love U Guys Foundation.